![]() The imposition of what the English quaintly labelled a ‘hose pipe ban’ back in the 80s and 90s is not new or novel to our country. For decades our WASA and Water Resources Agency under the policy direction of numerous political administrations have failed to develop, far less implement, an effective water management policy and programme for this little 2-island Republic. With only 2 seasons – wet and dry – not introduced or having a third inserted by climate change, it is as it has been. Yet when it rains, we get floods only growing more massive and destructive and when the rains are over, we never have enough water stored to take us through the dry season. Not even hurricanes, except for Flora, add complication to our simple 2-part weather pattern, so far at least. How is his possible in a land which has been subject of a multitude of hydrological studies and visits from everyone from the below-sea-level Netherlands to the bone-dry Israel with a few other nationalities thrown in? Not even the handing over of the management of WASA to a local ‘dream team’ then multinational Severn Trent from England have rendered the failure of WASA and the WRA to manage our water resources. Not forgetting the change of location of the South West Water Project devised under the first Manning regime to a desalination water project for Point Lisas under the first Panday regime which replace Manning’s. Tobago, which is smaller than Trinidad has fared no better under the same WASA and WRA and political administrations plus the THA. Neither the water management nor adequate sewerage facilities are present on that island. Having served as a Commissioner on the Board of WASA in 1995-97 and PSA President straddling the Manning and Panday administrations, I had the opportunity of opposing the Severn Trent adventure. A joint a management-and-all unions exercise produced a development plan for WASA, minus the huge debt that Severn Trent demanded to achieve less outputs than the in-house plan projected. The PSA persuaded the management to cut out the private middleman in purchasing alum for water treatment. Treatment costs nosedived until Government restored the monopoly to the middleman. That Board took initiatives in metering commercial connections, reactivating storage reservoirs along the Northern range, rehabilitation of dilapidated sewerage treatment plants on housing developments, main replacement, new wells in South Trinidad, customer database and revenue collection improvement. Severn Trent came and after collecting $50M US left this country no better off in its water supply or management situation. The same 50%-unaccounted-for water blamed on leaking old pipeline infrastructure of the 90s appears to persist in 2019. The desalination plant was introduced largely to guarantee the supply of potable for the plants at Point Lisas to which most of the Caroni-Arena dam production is already allocated. PSA first proposed the introduction of a waste-water treatment plant to utilise 20 million gallons from Port of Spain and 10 million gallons from San Fernando daily to supply industrial water for cooling plants instead of drinking water. The object was to free up 30 million gallons of potable water every day for domestic use. Severn Trent opposed the idea, the UNC and greedy contractors sabotaged it and the PNM is again rejecting it, even though it could mean the difference between disaster and well-being in any dry season. There is no new major surface water source in Trinidad since Caroni-Arena and the desalination plant is subject to shutdowns more frequently than similar plants in Barbados and Curacao, suggesting that there may be design or other deficiency. And so, we come to the latest harsh dry season and hose pipe ban. To add insult to injury this time, a few farmers in a decimated Aranjuez food basket had their pumps confiscated apparently to enforce a mass Abstraction Licence campaign. Commercial car washes are free to wash any amount of vehicles while homeowners in, gated and ungated communities, cannot wash theirs at home. Meanwhile, all industrial plants are guaranteed a supply. As on all previous occasions, the harsh dry season is not to affect those who use huge amounts water to make profits while those who need it for simply living are subject to frequently changing water schedules with as little as 2 or so out of 14 days supply. The current Public Utility Minister has pronounced that what is needed is:
The issues have been diagnosed over and over. But, the Right of the population to a reliable source of water and sanitation facilities to protect their health has not become a matter of guarantee for the politicians of this small island nation. Like every other Right, the citizens must demand its guarantee and cannot sit back waiting in hope but must actively demand it. Clyde Weatherhead A Citizen Fighting for a Decent Life for All Citizens 22 May 2019 ![]() Increasingly, we are fed a diet of half-truths about the nature of the society in which we live, about the nature of the problems we face and about how the problems of this society can be cured. With almost every new development, whether in economics, politics or in the cultural or social spheres, the spin doctors whose job is to maintain the status quo release their latest creations – half-truths about what is taking place and why. Half-Truths About the Economy Take the question of the latest episode of the economic crisis which is a chronic feature of all societies, like ours, based on the fundamentals of political economy that determine their nature. On one level we are told that every round of recession must be blamed on the policies of particular administrations or they and the policies are to be praised for the next recovery. Alternatively, the economic hardships that are imposed on the people with every downturn is due to the mismanagement or corruption of a previous administration. The ‘turnaround’ or recovery phase is due to the prudent management of the party-in-power incidentally during this phase. Half-truths. For example, the recent mid-year budget review (new name for the annual budget supplementation exercise) was ushered in with great hype seeking to have the population focus on the latest ‘turnaround’. Speculation was rife as to whether there was indeed a turnaround, or real growth in the economy. In the end, the Finance Minister, declared there are ‘signs of a turnaround’, there is ‘some growth’ and with the advent of a double elections season, spending will flow again. All the talk about improved economy, he exemplified by uninterrupted profit increases for the usurious monopoly banking sector, increased consumer debt and conspicuous consumption of vehicles. Relatively low inflation is also presented as evidence of the new economic ‘miracle’. Since the entire object of the capitalist system in the era of monopoly is the making of maximum profit, regardless of circumstances growing bank profits do not illustrate anything more than the truth that finance capital is achieving that object of maximum profit. Increasing consumer debt really means more profits for the banks from interest to be collected on this debt and mounting hardship for the consumers who have to pay the interest down the road. More vehicles on the road add to the burden of consumer credit and mask the failure to ensure the right of most citizens, largely the poor, to have an efficient mass transportation system. The huge economic cost of the congestion on the roads is also ignored or disguised. Well, with ‘growth’ figures of less than or about 1 and a bit %, spending more on largely non-productive aspects of the economy for the sake of hopefully capturing a few votes or seats in elections, is hardly evidence of ‘sustainable’ growth or economic health that the Government is patting itself about. Nor, is increasing the public debt by $1Billion (borrowed in US$) for road paving an illustration of ‘prudent management’ or economic success. The truth is that since Independence in 1962, the overdependence on hydrocarbon resources has left this economy vulnerable to and rolling like a roller coaster up and down, boom and bust, recession and recovery largely dictated in timing by the fortunes of the global oil and gas market prices. No administration in 56 years, has fundamentally reshaped this economy toward sustainable crisis-free economic development focused on human development and guaranteeing the rights of the population for basic needs. Half Truths About Crime and Prison Escape As is now the rhythm of life in this country, there is no respite between the episodes that demand our attention; never a dull moment. On the heals of the Parliamentary drama, another of a more immediately concerning type exploded this week. Overnight, a posse of 8 remand prisoners (7 murder accused among them) escaped from the Golden Grove prison. Through a hole in the upper wall of their cell, out of the building, across the prison grounds and up, over, under or through the perimeter fence, we are told all 8 departed detected by absolutely no one. Their absence only noticed the next morning during ‘rounds’. So how do 8, not 1, not 2 but 8 men traverse all this distance totally undetected in and out of a facility under 24-hour surveillance by prison functionaries whose motto is to HOLD and Treat? So, the spin, the half-truths roll out. “The escapees were frustrated by the slow pace of justice and the judiciary is responsible for this escape and many more will occur”, we are told. “There are many tools in workshops and other locations within the prison so they could have accessed their tools of escape that way”, another yarn. Or, “there are too few officers to 950 or so remand detainees”. “The fence is not maintained and has gaps or holes, so it was easy for them to get out of the compound”, another tale from a strange land. So, if all the prisoners on remand are tried speedily and the convicted ones are in prison, are we to believe that those who could not see, hear or detect by cc camera or otherwise this escape will somehow prevent all escapes if the justice systems miraculously attains efficiency? If the old decrepit fence is replaced with a very high, very thick, very strong one, no one will be able to get out of the same cells and cross the same compound space to reach this new Chinese Wall undetected ever again? Neither the Commissioner of Prisons who is in direct daily charge of the operations of the prisons, nor the National Security Minister who is in policy direction of the Prison Service have offered a contrite word or accepted organisational or political responsibility for this major, possibly historic (in terms of numbers) lapse of security. The population in near or far communities to which any of the escapees have gone were and are exposed to the threat of a group of ‘frustrated’ men already accused of murder and serious violent crime, safety and security of citizens further compromised in a situation in which the body count of murder victims is rising by the 2’s and 3’s in any 12 to 24-hour period. Massive national security resources and police and military personnel had to be deployed to address this horrendous failure of the prison system while the murderous mayhem continues unabated. The Commissioner of Police who at Carnival in February (3 months ago) was displaying the new drone technologies that we were told provided nation-wide coverage and ‘real time’ video images to operations command centre, etc, found it necessary to procure the services of a non-national-security helicopter in the hunt for the escapees. What happened to the drone technology (tether and fixed wing) that we were assured protected us during the madness of Carnival? Either they did not protect us now or didn’t then either or after advertised deployment in February are secretly deployed in May. Whichever it is, what is the status of these assets purchased with public money for public safety and security? No More Half-Truths When half-truths become the foundation of the way a society is run, most serious problems are created for the people. When half-truths prevail, the Truth, the Reality of the problems we face and how they are to be solved is obscured and we are only left with a diet of Lies. Consumer debt is NOT evidence of consumer well-being. Insecure prison systems are NOT evidence of an efficient and effective service which is to protect the Right of Citizens to Safety and Security. To take a stand consistent with the concerns of the people and that serves their interests, the interests of the Majority of the body politic, the fog of half-truths must be cleared away and Truth illuminate every aspect of the society. Clyde Weatherhead A Citizen Fighting for the Renewal of Democracy and For the Future We, the People, Deserve. 17 May 2019 Since the news of the arrest of two politician-lawyers last week, reactions have flowed from all quarters which have exposed the bad, not-so-bad and the ugly in the consciousness within our body politic – the collective of our citizenry.
Aspects of lynch-mob mentality fuelled by divisive partisan politics engendered by 63 years of the entrenchment of party politics and the notion of 2-party ‘democracy’ hailed as a major achievement by the founder of the PNM. Prior to the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) v People’s National Movement (PNM) then DLP (successor to the PDP) v PNM electoral skirmishes of 1956-58, the political contests for office under the crown colony system largely involved individual politicians and some alliances of politicians (even those in loosely amalgamated groups named as political parties). Williams set out to cement the 2-party state as the post-colonial form of colonial governance (the PM replacing the Governor as the centre of state power). His early organising and support among the urban, intellectual and semi-professional strata (particularly teachers) created a support base for the PNM in roughly the same geographical locations as seen in the seats held in the 2015 General Election. Bhadase Sagan Maharaj, the triumvirate leader of the PDP (Political Leader, Union and Religious Leader combined) built his base among the rural agricultural (sugar) worker and farmer communities. That support remained with the DLP (a coalition of 3 parties) after 1956. Williams and the PNM’s desire to expand out of their urban base areas naturally meant that they had to attempt to displace the DLP from its rural areas of support. This fight for political turf among these rival political gangs competing for the approval of the colonial and post-Independence masters of the economic-political power was presented in a narrative of ‘race-based’ politics which has served as a tool to divide the body politic to this day. Inevitably, the ugly angry display of hate outside the Parliament last Friday, catalysed by the arrests of Ramlogan and Ramdeen, once again exposed the utter hostility of this fabled ‘racial’ politics. And the angry calls for vengeful punishment of those yet un-convicted resembled the goings-on in the US ruling apparatus in which hopes were placed on Mueller to deliver the ‘goods’ to facilitate the defeat of Trump by the other party which coincidentally presents itself as friend of certain ethnic demographics (not unlike our fake Afro and Indo parties). So here was the lynch-mob chanting for heads to roll. This trend continued this week with calls by PNM supporters for the 2 lawyer-politicians to be prevented from practising their legal profession while on bail as the court matter proceeds. Not only have they determined guilt but they demand sentence even before the hearing gets underway. Here we have those involved in two of the professions we have been told are ‘noble’ now accused of the vile crime of self-serving corruption (enriching themselves at the expense of the public interest). But, thinking about it, this is not new. Since the early exposures of the gas station and bus rackets, the Caura Dam corruption, Lock Joint, Sodoteg and sundry scandals from Johnny O to Jack W and all in between, the marks have been busting against corrupt officials of every building boom and agencies like UDECOTT and HDC and even private conglomerates like CLICO to fake oil and now kick back brief scandals. Sadly, our long history of corruption allegations and Commissions of Enquiry and investigations is not also accompanied by even a short list of those made to account for this reprehensible behaviour. The airport case hasn’t even made out of the starting blocks of the Preliminary Enquiry after a decade and counting. And this, that and the other -gate remains frozen cases still at the stage of investigation or decision-less contemplation by the office empowered with responsibility for ALL criminal prosecutions and others yet resist extradition. This long history of failure to act and put a halt to the corruption gravy train over the entire history of our Independence cannot become justification for impatience for the rule of law and due process in the instant episode. The noble profession of politics (and political lawyering) have long exposed their ignoble side. But the sanction has not materialised and the practitioners have become a part of the profession of nobility. This profession of nobility is to be seen in the fact that those who appropriate the wealth of the society produced by the majority of its members are hailed for their entrepreneurial acumen. Their only excuse for unexplained wealth is that it is legal for the socially created wealth to be made the private property of the parasitic oligarchy. Their representatives have only followed their example and claimed authority to feed at the trough of public money in all the schemes from those exposed by Jean Miles to the more recent exposures within and even outside of our borders. This profession of ‘nobility’ is as ignoble as it gets and is anchored in the foundation of the 2-party unrepresentativeness of this so-called Representative Democracy. To end it, requires a new formulation of our Governance arrangements in a direction that facilitates the Majority being vested with sovereignty and for the first time entrenching the “National Purpose which must precede… sectional interests” that was envisaged, not by the professional nobility in their political parties but by the commoners assembled in 1962 in a non-partisan organisation called Pegasus. The corrupt profession of nobility will only be defeated with the defeat of the notion of a power to deprive with that of a power to share – that was demanded in 1970, and other points along the way since. The profession of nobility must be replaced by the genuine nobility of profession, of serving the interest of the Majority and the nation-building project. Clyde A Weatherhead A Citizen Fighting for the Democratic Renewal of Our Political and Electoral Processes To End Corruption. 7 May 2019 |
AuthorI am a appalled at the loss of the simple skills of discussing ideas and sharing Opinions to DEEPEN ANALYSIS and UNDERSTAND DEVELOPMENTS to ARRIVE AT SOLUTIONS. Archives
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