As we head toward the end of 2017 and the start of a brand-new year, it is an occasion on which we can usefully glance back in the rear-view mirror and focus ahead on the broad vista of the windscreen.
At every moment where we close one time-period and enter another, we review the period ending, see how we fared and draw warranted conclusions in the hope of a much more successful effort in the coming period. Ironically, as we count down to midnight December 31, in almost macabre ritual, there is a count-up going on by those who seem to relish and also by those who are deeply concerned about the body count of the murderous deluge that continues. What Has Happened The last 12 months have whizzed by at giddying speed or at least appeared to have done so as time seems to have been accelerated by the absence of even a single dull moment. Growing concern at the end of the last period has given way to a kind of cynicism or even resignation to a point of expecting nothing different in the future. Everywhere there are signs of Collapse and Decay – Crime and Corruption are out of control with even the authorities resorting to appeals to the Divine for respite. There is Seething Anger in the face of the Collapse of our Social Order and putrefying Cultural Decadence. The Economy is in Crisis as the indicators plunge downward as if accelerated by G-force while our lives are snuffed out with equal acceleration by the G-unit. Our society is Sick and there is a sense of frustration, helplessness and desperation created. We Need a Dictator, some declare. The population is excluded from the political process and deprived of any opportunity of having an outlook which they can use to find solution and guide their lives. What We Are Seeing The atmosphere of Fear and Cynicism is the result of the perception that there is No Hope. Road Rage is but one expression of this sense of hopelessness. The Failed Economy cannot provide for the needs of the population. The touted “Solutions” to the Crisis are prescriptions for more of the same. Roger Hosein is correct – those who control decision-making offer only the continuation of the old failed approach. The Law Enforcers claim advance having seized more than 1400 illegal weapons as close to 500 of our people have been cut down by weapons still in the hands of the organized criminal element. Our Right to Safety and Security is non-existent and there is a sense of resignation to an almost inevitability that if not today, then soon, we too will fall victim to the marauding criminality. This, while the “guardians” pat themselves on the back with callous disregard. Instead, at the eruption of mass violence in support of criminal dons, our political bosses threatened further curtailment of rights and criminalizing dissent in the name of ‘security’. Are We Misunderstanding Are our Interpretations of the Reality mistaken, misguided or just plain blind? The institutions of society are collapsed or mired in such a mess that renders them useless. The most basic needs of the citizens are not met whether for water, health care, housing or transport between our islands. Our Rights are being denied with impunity. The political elite present themselves as the best deal-makers and the prosecutors of those accused of wrong doing while engaging in the most scandalous corruption hiding their actions in plain sight as in the case of their destruction of the Seabridge. The direct Cabinet involvement in the latest round of procurement only shows that they are not satisfied to allow others to fail and are determined to do it themselves. The question is – Whose Analysis and Agenda? Do we continue to accept the analysis and agenda of those who control power by force and who, like the AG seek to impose their will on institutions which are supposed to be independent, like the DPP? Or do we engage in our own analysis and set our agenda for establishing a Guarantee for our Rights? Our society is being destroyed in the name of Monopoly Right and Power. Things (every aspect of our economic, political and social relations) Are Falling Apart. THIS IS NOT ACHEBE’S FALLING APART Chinua Achebe, renowned Nigerian author, wrote Things Fall Apart as a tragic tale recounting or lamenting the destruction of the entire social structure of the village and tribal life of the Nigerian society under the weight of Colonial Conquest and Subjugation. But, We Are a Free Nation, an independent country that is supposed to be in charge of our own destiny. Our society’s Falling Apart in a state of Independence is not Achebe’s Falling Apart. It is a collapse imposed by the failure of the entire social organization left over from a colonial past that we have failed to renounce. Our economy after 5 decades of independence remains a monocrop – hydrocarbon – estate which only pins its hopes of escaping recession on the very monocrop on which we have failed to reduce dependence. Our political system is based on the remnants of the Divine Right of Monarchs and un-representative “Representative Democracy” based on the concept of Rights as privilege, to be granted or denied as was done by rulers in medieval times. Our culture is deprived of every useful element created by our First Peoples and all those who have created the wealth of this society by their labour which is usurped by those who produce nothing. Our Carnival is gutted. Our creativity sapped. Competition replaces the motivation of presenting an uplifting image of ourselves to ourselves. Recently, at the funeral of a people’s soldier of 1970, someone asked: What is our image of ourselves, the definition of the Trinbagonian in social and cultural terms? A profound question arising from the tragic destruction of our social order as certainly as happened to the Ibo in Nigeria that Achebe laments. What Do We Do The danger in our situation at the end of 2017 is that in the absence of a NEW outlook and a NEW understanding of the situation, some will simply drop out because they cannot cope. They see no hope, not understanding what is really causing the decay. They will become more cynical, indifferent about the future. Some will resort to acts of anarchy or terrorism thinking they are defending themselves or ‘their own’. What is needed is for everyone to become involved in understanding the underlying causes of the crisis and decay and to finding ways to resolve the problem in a manner favourable to the Majority of the society. The problem is much deeper than blaming this or that political party-in-power. The crisis and the decay, the slaughter of people have continued regardless of who is the party-in-power. The problem is even deeper than the kind of governance that elevates unworthy elements to head offices in ministries and institutions for political expediency. The crisis in the judiciary, the failure to implement legislation that may make the smallest dent in corrupt activity all point to the destruction of whatever is left of public authority, except for police powers. We must get to the root of the problem. We must demand Rights because of our being human, and not as privilege. We must fight for the Renewal of our society based on modern definitions fit for the 21st Century – definitions of Rights, Democracy and other fundamentals. There is the danger of a Government of Police Powers curtailing our Rights in the name of security and overcoming economic difficulties. There is also the danger of descending into Anarchy in which those who refuse to make the effort to forge the NEW resort to destructive anti-people violence. Both these dangers must be combated by those who desire Change that solves the deep-seated causes of our problems, those who desire Real Change or Transformation for the benefit of the Majority of our society and for society itself. While there is much that is troubling, there is also a sign that increasing numbers of people are refusing to give up or give in. A growing number of people have rejected the notion of PNM or UNC as a real choice. Others are coming to the conclusion that it is necessary to fight for a NEW governance - governance of the people by the people. All will not be achieved in a single day or act. But, unless those who desire to do more than watch our society fall apart and descend into the abyss of collapse and describe our demise; unless those who want to do more than understand the problem, but, to solve it, stand up and organize for the NEW, it will not happen. On Wednesday afternoon, as I entered the C-R Highway, my youthful passenger remarked – When the speed limit was 80km, everybody was flying; Now they made it 100, people are cruising at 80. This, like the growing body of those who refuse to give up, is a sign. Is this a signal of a maturing discipline, a self-discipline that may begin to demark the rise of a nation? Perhaps, there is hope still that the Centre Will Hold! Clyde Weatherhead A citizen working for the Democratic Renewal of Our Society *************** THE SECOND COMING Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand; A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) I share my response to another comment which asked 'Where is the Line Drawn"
I ask "WHEN DO WE DRAW THE LINE?" My comment - “Your question posed may better be put as "When is the Line Drawn"? There is such a thing even in the realm of poetic licence as good taste. "Massive" Gosein has struck several raw nerves...nerves more raw than the smuttiest of kaiso lyrics we can quote. Intentionally or not, this artiste has hit on a festering sore in our society which is not of his making, but the spores of which none can avoid. Gosein's song's title is as distasteful as the songs about Chambers Dun See, if our particular bias is about suddenly "respecting the office" of the PM. It is as distasteful as Paul's imaginary Yuh Mudder Come released in the sanctimony of the Christmas season by Crazy. Crazy' s song was no more about any person's mother than Rowley's Mudder Count for those who suddenly discovered "respecting" the mother of the PM or anyone else. It is even as distasteful as the Meters' "Hey Pock Away" which our fete-loving back-in-times partygoers have taken delight in slightly amending at the top of their bellowing voices by changing the middle word with delight. Just imagine what an equally boisterous crowd at any Carnival occasion with liquor and other intoxicants aplenty would be doing with Gosein's Count. The point is that if this crude almost puerile play on a phrase is all that the artiste can offer by way of criticism of the Head of Government, it is indeed a reflection of both his lack of creativity as much as it is a reflection of the shallowness and emptiness of what passes for "politics" and "political commentary" in the fields of political and cultural activity as we approach the end of the second decade of the 21st Century. Gosein is no better or worse than such "heroes" of the culture as Watchman' Bullseye on Robbie's Back, or Cro Cro and Aloes' several "celebrated" political commentary offerings which denigrated PMs, ethnic groups, women, toute bagai. Gosein is no better or worse than that 'master' of kaiso - Chalkie with his 'crowned' mathematical impossibility of last season which was nothing but a very thinly disguised jook at East Indians and Hindus in particular. For too long, the old smut and double entendre of the quaint ole days have given way to the racial and religious and sexist bigotry expounded by our bards and promoted for a variety of rewards including money and the satisfaction of sewing hate and division by others, not just the owners of the tents or organisers of the competitions. Beyond the words of "Massive's" Chutney song were his attempt at justifying his provocation aimed at a predominantly suddenly-indignant African cohort denouncing this Indian for daring to malign the PM, no matter that countless other artistes not of his ethnicity had done so for decades against PMs of "either side of the divide". He could not defend his provocation any more than Cro Cro or Aloes or others who do the same with varying degrees of crudeness. Hurling insults across the racial divide from either direction is of no value to our society and the building of our nation. It is only inflamming already incendiary and dangerous passions and it is wrong whoever does it. The hypocrisy of those who have revelled in the nonsense when it was directed against "them" and suddenly have discovered 'respect for office' and 'don't drag politicians’ family into this' is possibly even more distasteful than "Massive's" or Cro Cro or any others' divisive and derogatory slurs aimed only at fuelling the already nasty divisions sown by the very politicians that some now claim to be defending. Oh what a tangled web they weave, when first they set out to deceive." Clyde Weatherhead A Citizen Fighting for Democratic Renewal Of Our Society ![]() As Things Fall Apart, Even TT's Record on World Issues is Threatened Mark December 21 on your calendar of T&T history. No, this is not a day of celebration of major achievement. It may well go down in the annals of ignominy for our country’s record in the sphere of world matters and in the United Nations. On December 21, 2017, the United Nations General Assembly voted on a resolution denouncing the US decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and demanding that the US rescind it December 6 declaration on Jerusalem. This UN General Assembly voted hours after threats by US President Trump to retaliate against any country voting “against” the US by supporting this Resolution. Trump decreed that countries cannot take US aid and vote against it. This is the most brazen naked example of Big Power bullying against the UN and its member countries possibly ever in the history of the UN. The General Assembly rejected this despicable behaviour by Trump and his administration, by a vote of 128 for – 9 against with 35 abstentions. TT’s Proud Record in Global Affairs Threatened In an act of capitulation to this imperial bullying, Trinidad and Tobago recorded an abstention, refusing to support the Resolution. This is a stain on the proud record of tiny country as a member of the UN. The UN long ago denounced Zionism (the ideology of the most chauvinistic sections of the ruling circles in Israel) as Racism. In 1967, by military force, Israel occupied and annexed the entire city of Jerusalem. For 50 years there was international consensus on the status of Jerusalem as a question to be settled in negotiations between Palestine and Israel. This has been the position of many UN Security Council Resolutions which have the force of International Law. But, Trump, defied International Law on December 6 when he ‘recognised’ Jerusalem and Israel’s capital and therefore its territory. This US declaration was a flagrant provocation against the Palestinians, the peoples of the Middle East and all global nations. Trump and US threats on the eve of the vote is just as, or even more, despicable. TT’s Abstention is Shameful Based on the open violation of International Law that the US ‘recognition’ of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital represents, there was sufficient ground for our country to join the majority of world countries and vote for the Resolution. The downright disrespect for the UN and sovereign nations which are All Equal as members of the UN of Trump and the US threat to retaliate against countries supporting the Resolution by cutting off financial support is more than sufficient reason to defy such bullying. But, TT failed to step up to the plate as a sovereign nation and UN member with a proud history of standing on principle in world affairs as a small but exemplary country in the Caribbean. In 1983, when others were egging the US on, TT stood proud and tall in refusing to support the military intervention in Grenada. Over many decades, at the United Nations our tiny country distinguished itself and earned the respect of others, large and small, by the positions we have taken on Resolutions against the US embargo against Cuba, against Apartheid and many other issues. The abstention on December 21 is a precipitous fall from such heights into the pits of conciliation with violation of International Law and capitulating to Big Power threats. All Nations in the World and the UN are Equal After Thursday’s historic vote, in continuing the chauvinistic and hegemonic position of the US and its disrespect for the UN, its UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, called the vote ‘null and void’ and defiantly declared that “no vote in the United Nations will make any difference” to the US and its plan to locate its embassy in Jerusalem. The US and other big powers have always claimed to be more than equals with all nations in the UN and in the global international relations. Every country in the world is sovereign and of equal status and the sovereignty of each country must be respected by all. The statements of the US President before the Resolution Vote and by the US ambassador to the UN after when she said, “And we will remember when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence…” are nothing but bullying and utter disrespect for the UN and the sovereignty of other nations. TT Must Redeem Itself This singular act of abstaining on this important Resolution is bound to severely damage the reputation and status of our country within the UN and in the global family of nations. Here in the Caribbean, the fact that smaller CARICOM countries like Grenada, Barbados, Suriname stood up to be counted on this Resolution in the face of Trump’s threats, only further diminishes TT’s claims to leadership in the Caribbean region. TT must redeem itself if it is not to lose all respect on the world and regional stage. In the first instance, the Government must explain to the country’s population why the abstention on a Resolution grounded in International Law and in the face of threats by the US. We must also explain this to the people of the region and the world. Most importantly, we must never again be seen to be compromising on issues of international law and principles of relations among nations and never appear to be submitting to pressures by the US or anyone else in the circumstances of voting on any UN Resolution in the future. Failing to do so will only let us continue to descend into the abyss of a society falling apart in every aspect including in international relations in which we have, until now, distinguished ourselves. |
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